Sunday, June 20, 2010

Small Vehicle Survival Kit.

I can't stress the inportance of having a kit in your Vehicle. Whether it be an AR-15, a months worth of MRE's, 80 bottles of water and a delux 95 gallon gas tank, or the one I'll show you, I HIGHLY reccomend you get one.

First off, i suggest a repair kit for the vehicle itself.
-Jumper Cables.
-Nice tool kit.
- In the winter a small bag of kitty litter or sand.
-Spare tire.
-Tir Iron.
-A spare gallon of gasoliene.
- Yoy see where I'm going here?

Now Our Vehicle Kit.
Its in a small Adventure Medical Corps bag, with a carry strap. It will fit in a cargo pocket or a large purse.

Inside View.

It has 4 Dust Masks/filters.

First Aid Kit.

First Aid Kit, Layed Out.

Fire starting Kit, lacking a Lighter, Because there is one on the dash, and my mother smokes.

Flashlight, with change of battiries.

Box Cutter.

6 Moist Towelettes.

Multi-Tool. Pliars, wire strippers, wire cutters, Knife, Saw, Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, can&bottle opener, Case.



Tape Measurer.

Duct tape.

So in short, Please PLEASE, a Vehicle can SAVE YOUR LIFE.

Also Include, Bottled water, and Life boat rations.

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